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Refuge House

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Fall & Spring yard clean-up

  • Fall bulb planting/garden clean-up

  • Share a hobby

  • Scrapbooking event

  • Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, or other product you demonstrate - come practice with us   

  • Hand Bells, Choirs, Musical groups - Rehearse for an appreciative audience, come entertain us.

  • Lend a hand as a handyman.

  • Help with light housekeeping.


Please call Deaconess Grace Rao, Executive Director (414) 438-2767 for more information or to discuss scheduling an event.

Blessed Again Resale

Volunteer Opportunities

Blessed Again Resale Shop is staffed ENTIRELY by volunteers.  Regular volunteers are essential to keep the store operating.  Individuals may volunteer to work during business hours on the sales floor, ringing up sales or behind the scenes.  Groups of adults or well supervised teens may volunteer as well.  Please contact Betty or Jose (414)464-9099 for more information.  Blessed Again Resale is located in the shopping plaza on the northwest corner of 76th St. and Hampton Ave. in Milwaukee.

Other Ways You Can Help...

  • Hold a Fundraiser for A Place of Refuge

  • Designate APOR to receive a portion of your church's food drives

  • Ask your youth group or other church auxilliaries to do a Servant Event at Blessed Again or Refuge House

  • Host a baby shower for our moms

  • Ask your church or school to designate APOR as one of their Missions of the Month

  • Ask your school to hold a APOR chapel or assembly (Speakers are available)

  • Organize a LARGE group from your church to participate in our annual LifeWalk in June

  • Ask your Pastor to announce our events in church

  • Designate our "We Care" number 010225 as your charity of choice at Pick N Save and raise money for us every time you shop.

  • PRAY for our Moms, Babies and Volunteersin all that APOR is 

  • Ask Deaconess Grace Rao to come and speak at your church, group or school and share what APOR is up to.

  • Consider getting "Choose Life" license plates for your car.  A portion of your donations goes to pro-life organizations like APOR.

A Place of Refuge Ministries of South WI, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporationand a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. EIN: 39-1971929

©2013-2022 A Place of Refuge Ministries of South Wisconsin, Inc.

Proudly created with

Pregnancy Hotline:

(414) 476-6333

Blessed Again Resale: 

7624 W. Hampton Avenue
Milwaukee, WI  53218
(414) 464-9099

Office Phone:

(414) 438-2767

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